How to Build Tolerance in Life
This article enlists some of the most effective ways to build tolerance in life that can significantly improve how we navigate through and deal with everyday challenges – both social and otherwise. Before we begin, let us first talk about what exactly do we mean by the term “tolerance” and why it is important.
In layman’s words, being tolerant simply refers to one’s ability to accept and be at peace with any given situation, or truth. It is about being in control of your emotions, and not letting external factors guide how you feel and behave. It is also about understanding that not everything in life will go according to plan, and more often than not, one will have to improvise in order to keep moving forward. In terms of people and relationships, tolerance is the act of accepting as well as respecting others for who they are.
Now that the basic definition is out of the way, let us describe why it is crucial to build tolerance in life. First and foremost, it significantly boosts our mental health. Second, it improves the quality of our relationships – both personal and professional. Third, it enables us to cope with failure much more conveniently and makes us immune to depression and unnecessary emotional outbursts. The list does not end here. There are many direct and indirect benefits to developing this magnificent trait. Let us now discuss about the various ways to achieve the same.
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